The high voltage cell is where voltage and current pulse tests are performed. Labelec facilities are suitable for testing samples with representative or real-scale dimensions.

  • Marx generator for high voltage impulses up to 1,2 MV
  • Marx generation for high voltage impulse generator up to 3 MV
  • Impulse current generator 45 MJ up to 100 kA. Waveform 10/350 μs

  • High voltage cell size : 12 m x 14 m


The conditioning treatments of the test samples are carried out in the environmental area before the application of the electrical tests. Functionality tests are also performed in extreme conditions of electrical and / or electronic equipment.

  • Salt mist chamber
  • Humidity storage chamber: 93 % HR and 40 ºC
  • Sulfur dioxide chamber (Kesternich) with moisture condensation
  • Ammonia chamber
  • Low temperature chamber (-20ºC)


Immunity tests of electrical and / or electronic equipment are carried out in the EMC Labelec area, as well as the verification and characterization of overvoltage protection devices. Electrostatic discharge tests are also performed.

  • 36 kA 8/20 μs impulse current generator. 30 kV charging voltage. Energy 4.9 kJ. Combined with 1.2/50 μs voltage waveform
  • Immunity test for electric/electronic equipment: over voltages (surges)
  • Electrostatic discharge (ESD) generators


An experimental field laboratory with an instrumented tower that gives the register and parameters study of the lightning current and it’s where the lightning protection components are tested in real conditions.

This real field facilites came after a colaboration agreement for lighnting strike research with the UPC Lightning Research Group (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)